Business modeling and loan projections service by EZFS

Business Modeling and Loan Projection Analysis

As former bankers, here at EZ Funding Solutions, we understand the importance of clarity, precision, and strategic planning in securing business financing. And that is why we are proud to offer our specialized Business Modeling and Loan Projection Analysis service, designed to ensure borrower’s financial future is not just promising, but backed by solid, comprehensible data that is well-understood by lenders.

Business Modeling and Projection Analysis is not just a tool for securing funding; it’s an integral part of strategic business planning. It offers potential business owners a clear vision of their financial future, equipping them with the insights needed to navigate the complexities of business growth and financing. In other words, this service is a crucial step in demonstrating borrower business’s viability, scalability & lendability.

Business Modeling and Loan Projection Analysis

Why is Business Modeling and Projection Analysis Important?

To Lenders:

Supports Funding Decisions for Lenders

When seeking funding from banks, investors, or other financial institutions, a well-crafted business model and financial projections are essential for lenders. This service brings the much needed logic behind the numbers with assumptions that banks require in order to make the right decision on loan projects.

Enhances Credibility for borrowers

This financial projection analysis and modeling service from EZ Funding Solutions provides the borrower a strategic game plan for their business, to keep an eye out on the constantly evolving line items on their P&L. This level of detail and planning enhances the borrower’s credibility, increasing the likelihood of future loan approval.

Get on a call with me to understand the importance of projections. Call Now 848-667-9289
Why is Business Modeling and Projection Analysis Important?
How Business Modeling and Projection Analysis helps businesses?

To Businesses:

Identifies Financial Needs of the Borrower

Through detailed monthly financial projections, business owners can identify future cash flow shortfalls, capital expenditure requirements, and other financial needs. This allows them to plan for financing well in advance, reducing the risk of liquidity crises.

Provides a Benchmark for Performance

Once funding is secured and the business is operational, the financial model serves as a benchmark against which actual performance can be followed and measured. This enables business owners to quickly identify deviations from the plan and make necessary adjustments.

Improves Risk Management

By identifying potential risks and modeling their financial impact, business owners can develop strategies to mitigate these risks before they become issues. This proactive approach to risk management is often looked upon favorably by lenders and investors.

Aids in Valuation and Exit Strategy Planning

For business owners planning an eventual sale or exit, detailed financial modeling can help in strategizing and estimating the business’s evaluation by providing potential buyers or successors with a clear picture of the business’s financial historical trends and potential future trajectory, making the transaction more favorable because of the details that it brings.

Our Service Highlights

Comprehensive 2-3 Year Projections: Receive detailed monthly projections for the next 2 to 3 years, providing a clear financial roadmap for your business.

In-depth Assumptions: We don’t just give you numbers; we provide the assumptions behind our projections, offering a deeper understanding of your business’s potential financial trajectory.

Supportive Documentation: With notes, feedback, and recommendations included, our service equips you with the knowledge to navigate future financial decisions confidently.

Clear financial roadmap for your business
Why choose EZ Funding Solutions?

Why Choose EZFS for Projection-Analysis & Business Modeling?

Expertise from Former Lenders: Our team, including former bankers, brings invaluable insights into what banks and financial institutions look for in a successful loan application.

Deep Regulatory Knowledge: With extensive knowledge of SBA SOPs and bank regulations, we ensure your projections meet all necessary criteria for approval.

Credibility in Banks: Our reputation within the banking fraternity adds an extra layer of trust to your loan application.

Logical and Detailed: We excel in revealing the logic behind the numbers and constructing detailed projections that banks can easily understand, trust and digest.

Guideline for Success: Our work serves as a comprehensive guideline for your business, aiding in strategic planning and execution.

Cost-Effective: Our services are priced to provide maximum value to you without compromising quality or insight.

Value to All Parties: Both clients and banks benefit from our detailed, logical, and accessible projections and business models.

Our Approach

Understanding Vision and Goals: We start by fully understanding your project, vision, and the borrower’s business dynamics.

Analyzing Financials: Our analysis includes a deep dive into financials and debt service ratios, building a compelling case for your ability to manage new debt.

Creating Understandable Models: We develop a business model that reflects your business’s nature and activities, designed for easy comprehension by all stakeholders.

Detailed Projection Analysis: Our detailed month-by-month projection analysis for the next 2-3 years is coupled with thorough assumptions and notes to support every figure.

Assessing Risks for Lenders: We calculate debt ratios and potential risks, presenting facts and recommendations that bolster your case with lenders.

EZFS approach for Business Modeling and Loan Projection Analysis

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