
What is the Best Rate?

What is the fuss about people looking for the “best rate” when it comes to loans? We learned in school or college, that...

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How Much Down Payment Is Enough?

The real answer is “it depends”! It depends on strengths and weaknesses. It’s a balancing act. The lower your down payment...

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Exit Strategy

Emotions and adrenaline are usually on a high when one is looking to buy a business or start a new business. Sure enough, being...

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Change is Adaptable Once Understood

No: We all started hearing this word as we were growing up from the cusp of our pre-teens into our early adult life. It...

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The Relationship between Cash Flow and Taxes

Most of us have heard of the phrase cash flow. While some know the meaning, others don’t. For those who don’t know, let’s...

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Legal Guidance in Financing

It’s amazing to see how people make this common mistake over and over again. Even worse is to see, more and more people doing...

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Loan versus Line of Credit

We know money is green, and in the eyes of an entrepreneur, money is money. They don’t really care where it comes from or what...

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Mismanagement Leads to Cash Flow Quicksand

How many times have we seen businesses over spend money in hopes of making more revenue? In most cases the realization is there...

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A Mysterious Black Hole – The SBA

We all know about Sci-Fi movies and space. We flew imaginary space ships, while watching Star Trek and Star Wars back in the...

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